Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Prague Has Something for Everyone
Hi Everyone,
It's been a busy week and weekend here! We had a foreign visitor last week whom we were entertaining. My husband and I took our guest to see the different sights of the city--from Prague Castle, to the Old Town Hall Tower. It was at the Old Town Hall Tower that I truly realized, for the first time, that Prague has something to offer most everyone!!! While inside the tower, we visited the top--of one can pass that by!! There one can find beautiful visitas of Prague and the surrounding countryside. The view is gorgeous any time of the day, but we happened to be up there just before the sun went down. It was a breathtaking sight with the fading pinks and mauves of the setting sun touching the city and hills around.
Well, sorry for that brief interlude...back to the subject...on the way out of the tower, we saw a sign to an exhibit that was not listed on the tourist brochure for the Old Town Hall Tower. Come to find out, there is an exhibit of a model of Prague there at the tower! It shows most of the city in great detail. Not everyone would appreciate this type of exhibit, but for those who like miniatures, this is an excellent and interesting exhibit!
While viewing the model of Prague, we also learned that there is another model of Prague that dates from the 19th century. It is called Langweill's model of Prague. It is a very intricate model of Prague, made from cardboard and wood, that shows the city of Prague as it was 150 years ago. For details about this model, please visit
I am constantly learning new things about Prague and the Czech Republic. It is an adventure on many levels!!! And there's so much more to experience--I've only begun--and am loving most of what I'm finding!!!!
God bless,