Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Quick Update & World Blog Surf Day

Hi Everyone,
Entrecard seems to be having some troubles lately--at least I'm getting this impression from other bloggers who have written about it. This morning I logged into my account and tried to begin the dropping process, but for some reason the widgets are not recognizing me. I've written to Entrecard to let them know, and I will begin dropping again once this problem has been fixed. Thank you to all of you who are still dropping!

The only other news is that I'm still having allergy/asthma troubles--nothing is wanting to loosen up. So, this will be an added adventure for when I head back home later this week. By then it's possible this current attack could be on the mend, but if not, my fear is that someone at some airport here or in the EU will believe I'm sick with H1N1 (Swine Flu) and pull me off the plane!!! I carry doctor's letters when I travel stating I have severe allergies/ hopefully they will listen. Otherwise, I might have some interesting tale to tell you after I reach Prague...time will tell!

One more note--it looks like there is still enough interest, from other expat bloggers, to warrant having another World Blog Surf Day! So, I'll begin working on putting everything together. WBSD will be on October 31st. I'm going to also put together a survey so we can vote on the topic for our next WBSD. I'll have that ready, along with the sign-up sheet in the next week or two. I'll make sure to put an update here and on Twitter when these are ready to go!

That's all for all have a great day!

God bless,
Sher :0)

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Czech Off the Beaten Path T-shirts & More

Sher's Stuff

(c) 2009 by czechoffthebeatenpath


Anonymous said...

Religion and society...that would be a great topic Sher..))!

Sher said...

Hi Hans,
Excellent suggestion! I'll include this in the survey!!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Ivanhoe said...

Hope you feeling better soon and are enjoying the rest of your time in US.
I would like to participate again in World Blog Day. By then I'll be fresh from my Europe trip and hopefully back to blogging full time again.

Sher said...

Hi Ivanhoe,
Thanks for the vote for WBSD! And thanks for your well wishes, too! I sure hope you had a great time on your European trip!!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)