Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What's Been Happening

Hi Everyone,
I've been very busy and have been in the midst of a writer's block due to so many things going on at one time. It seemed better not to write up a post that would be rambling with no particular point. The break has helped, and some of the issues have been resolved. Be sure to visit Hospitalera's blog for some tips on how to deal with writer's block.

There have been several things going on simultaneously in the past couple of weeks. One of the issues I've been dealing with since just before our move was the lack of a high-speed Internet connection. We lost our T-1 connection at the old flat during a horrible storm. Then we moved and had to get new service set up. Finally we have a high-speed connection once again which is also WiFi capable! Wow, Jiri and I have entered the twenty-first century and can both be online at the very same time. This will be a huge blessing when Jiri's in one of his vortex of work times.

Speaking of Jiri--his hand is now completely recovered from the accident he had at work. He was supposed to see the doctor last week to have the stitches removed. Well, my husband, being one of those DIY (Do-It-Yourself) guys, removed the stitches himself! Thankfully the cut is healing very nicely and looks pretty good. Jiri is back to doing most everything, again, except for helping with the dishes--he says the cut needs to further heal before he can help with that chore on a regular basis!

A couple of other things that have been going on are the loss of another expat friend who is moving on to new pastures. I'm very excited for her, but will feel her loss very much. One of my kids has also been ill, but is now doing OK and receiving the proper treatment. And then there was our move, too. Well, I've survived very nicely to this point, anyway. This is called Life! And I've been living it to the hilt!

Now that things are getting more or less back to normal here, the next bit of news is that I'm preparing to go home in a few days--back to the US to see my family. It's been one year, almost exactly, since I was last home. So hard to believe it's been that long, but it's true. I'm in the midst of getting everything together for the trip--have already ordered my gluten-free meals, gotten the necessary gizmos together, and tomorrow will start the actual packing process. With all of this going on I'll not have time to post too much this week. Next week I'm going to run some posts about my home in New Mexico, in the Enchanted Circle area. I'm looking forward to some time at high altitude to dry out from the current allergy and asthma flare that has been going on the past few days. Dry air does wonders-it's also a good place to wear off calories. I inevitably shed almost ten pounds on a visit back home. My Mom doesn't like that--it sounds terrible! She's a wonderful cook, but the difference is the low-fat, no salt diet, plus the high altitude. I'm looking forward to Mom's cooking, to losing weight and drying out my allergies and asthma--plus seeing my family!

I'm trying to decide what to do about the stories and pictures from our trip to Rome. That is very old news now. Do you have any suggestions? Should I go ahead and post these at a later time or just skip them for now?

This brings you up-to-date with all that has been going on since my last post. Just normal Life. Well, at least normal for an expat!

You all have a great day!

God bless,
Sher :0)

Photo Credit: Microsoft Clip Art

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(c) 2009 by czechoffthebeatenpath


hospitalera said...

For God's sake, you have a nurse in the neighbourhood now, me, tell Jiri I can remove stitches whilst I am asleep!!! Regarding the pictures and stories of Rome, post them we want to see them finally! SY

Ivanhoe said...

I hope you have a pleasant and safe trip back home and enjoy the visit with your US family :o)

In re: Rome - you could post a few pics here and there - maybe as a Wordless Wednesday? That way you don't have to write out a long narrative, yet we still get a chance to see your photos.

Sher said...

Hi Hospitalera,
Thank you! I'll be sure to tell him, but you know how these rugged DIY guys are--very stubborn! He even was trying to tell the doc where and how to put the stitches. Jiri was right, but still!

About Rome, I will be working on those pictures next week!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Sher said...

Hi Ivanhoe,
Thank you! I am looking forward to seeing everyone!

I'll work on those pictures of Rome next week and get them up for everyone to see!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Karen said...

This is another vote for Rome pictures!

Sher said...

Hi Karen,
OK...thanks for the vote for Rome!!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your Rome pictures..))

Sher said...

Hi Hans,
Thanks...I'll get them up as soon as I can!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)