Saturday, September 19, 2009

Poll for WBSD

Hi Everyone,
We have ten bloggers now confirmed to participate in World Blog Surf Day! The countries that are represented, so far, are Argentina, Bali, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Turkey and the US. That's a great start! We can use more bloggers, keep getting the word out to all your expat friends and contacts!

So far we have only a couple of topic suggestions for WBSD. The suggestions so far have been Religion & Society, and Celebrations/Holidays. Last week, I said we could take suggestions till Thursday, but I'm leaving it open for more suggestions till this coming Thursday, September 24th. I'll put the poll up over the next weekend and have the results posted on Monday, September 28th. Spread the word about WBSD--get your friends and contacts to sign up, and leave your topic suggestions here, in the comments--or email them to me at czechoffthebeatenpath at gmail dot com--or you can Tweet your suggestion on Twitter--look for czechoffthebeat.

One more note, I'm making a list of WBSD participating blogs--you'll find it in the right side bar. You'll find the name of each blog is also a link that to specific blog.

That's all for now! You all have a great weekend!

God bless,
Sher :0)

Czech Off the Beaten Path Website
Czech Off the Beaten Path T-shirts & More
World Blog Surf Day

Sher's Stuff

(c) 2009 by czechoffthebeatenpath


*lynne* said...

Hi! I've been essentially offline for a few weeks due to our move (yes! again!): this time it was Chicago to Springfield ... surprisingly it was less stressful than the move at the end of June: allergies relatively under control too - yay!

Anyways, please count me in for WBSD :) I've not gone back to look at previous posts, sorry... do I need to sign up like that other time?

lynne naranek @ a malaysian abroad

Sher said...

Hi *lynne*,
You've certainly been busy!!! Two moves in the past few was enough for us...I feel for you!! Good luck and best wishes in your new place! I'm happy to hear that your allergies have stayed mostly under control this time, too!!

Great! Welcome back to WBSD! Yes, please go and sign up. You can find the link in this post!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

*lynne* said...

Okay, Ms Blur over here has signed up :)

Since WBSD is going to take place on Halloween, perhaps a theme related to that would be cool... on one hand you could say this fits in with festivals/celebrations, though I would want a "ghostly"/"creepy" bent to the posts: perhaps sharing original vs new home's cultures' view on death, ghosts... or discussing original vs new home's unique ghosts or other otherworldly creatures... or featuring the expat's area's resident ghost, or a supposedly haunted building/area?


Sezin said...

Hi Sher,

I like both topics and would be happy using either, especially with regards to October 31st. Looking forward to everyone else's thoughts!

Sher said...

Hi *lynne*,
That's an excellent would make for some very interesting posts!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Sher said...

Hi Sezin,
Thanks for your input...either topic would definitely make for some very interesting posts!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Sezin said...

Oooooh, *lynne*! What a great idea! I change my vote to hers. Thanks!

Martin in Bulgaria said...

Hi Sher,

I hope all is well your end. Judt got back and signed up and have a suggestiosn for the next WBSD.

"My New Country's Strangest Custom"

I'm sure every expat has at least one.

Fond regards

Sher said...

Hi Seznin,
I'll make a note on that! :0)

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Sher said...

Hi Martin,
Thanks for the suggestion--I'll add that to the pot, and great you've signed up again for WBSD!!

We're doing OK...recovering nicely :0)

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Anonymous said...

Strange customs?
Holidays and religion?
Religion and society?
I can write whatever you want..)))!
Btw, I know quiet some expats...shall I make some advertising?..))
Please comment through twitter..))!!

Sher said...

Hi Hans,
Everything is a go with the everyone needs to cast their votes for our topic! It looks like any of these topics will be most interesting!

OK...I did respond via Twitter...hope you got it OK!

Have a great weekend!
Sher :0)