Hi Everyone,
Are you expat bloggers ready for the next World Blog Surf Day? I am! Sign-up is now open for the next WBSD, which will be held on October 31, 2009. You can visit the WBSD site for more information on what World Blog Surf Day is and how to participate.
The theme for this coming WBSD is still under consideration. This time we'll hold a poll (next week) so participating bloggers can vote on what our next theme should be. If you have any suggestions for the theme, please leave them in the comments here, or send me an email...or you can also Tweet them to me on Twitter! We've had a couple of bloggers suggest the theme of religion and society--which would be very apropos for October 31st! So, please send in your comments and suggestions for a theme. The deadline for submitting theme ideas will be next Thursday, September 17th. This will allow me to get the poll up on Friday (here on Czech Off the Beaten Path), September 18th--then everyone can vote over the weekend--and I'll post the results on Monday, September 21st, here on this blog.
All expat bloggers who sign up for WBSD will need to have a blog that is active and has frequent posts. Each blog will be reviewed to ensure that this rule is followed. So, be sure that your blog meets these qualifications before signing up. Most expat blogs are accepted--so don't worry about being rejected. We just have to make sure the blogs are active. If an inactive blog is included, then there is a high probability of that blogger not posting on October 31st--and this would break the chain (of blogs around the world) we are trying to create for our readers. Once your blog has been reviewed, you will receive a confirmation email that your blog's been accepted for WBSD. You'll also receive an email if you blog is not accepted, with an explanation of why it was rejected. We need this rule in order to keep WBSD the best experience possible for our bloggers and our readers.
This is an added note: it has been brought to my attention that Google Sites is banned in Turkey. Is it banned in any other countries, too? That's a problem, but if you would like to sign up, and can't get to the sign-up form, then if you would feel comfortable with it, send me your information via email: your blogging name, blog name/address, email address, and your home country and your new country of residence. Also, if you would like to have the WBSD logos, let me know...I can email those to you. We have several color schemes to choose from: blue, brown, pink (my daughter's favorite color), and green. If you need/want a different color scheme, let me know. Beka will come up with it and I can email it to you. Sorry for this inconvenience!
That's all for today! This WBSD will surely be interesting and fun...and the sign-up is now ready...and we will vote on the theme! Once we have the theme, we can all get to working on our posts and be ready for the fun traveling around the world from blog to blog! I'm really excited and looking forward to our next WBSD! And if you'd like to get the word out, there are logos available for you to use...and if you use social media, then please tell all your friends and followers about World Blog Surf Day!
You all have a great day and a great weekend!
God bless,
Sher :0)
PS I have been watching the stats on this blog for quite a while, and have found there is one post that continuously brings in the most search traffic. That is the post "Garlic Soup--Cure for the Common Cold." For those of you interested in the recipe for traditional Czech garlic soup, you can find it by clicking the link in the upper left-hand sidebar! Enjoy!
Czech Off the Beaten Path Website
Czech Off the Beaten Path T-shirts & More
World Blog Surf Day Website
Sher's Stuff
(c) 2009 by czechoffthebeatenpath
Google sites (WBSD Site) is banned in Turkey. How can I sign uo?
Hi Hans,
That's a problem!
One solution might be to email me with your information: blogging name, blog name/address, home country, new country of residence, and email address. Then I could put your information into the form. Would that be OK?
Let me know...or if you have another suggestion, please share it!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
I am glad that you took the initiative and went ahead! I am guest blogging for an expat / working nomad blog since recently (yesterday) can I sign up also if the blog is not my own? I promise to be good and to post on the 31st! SY
Hi Hospitalera,
Sure, that will work! No problem at all!! :0)
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
Sher and Sy, what a great idea to do religion and society. I can post on that so I sign up. Blogspot is Google-owned, right? I just learned all Blogspot blogs are banned in Communist China. Facebook too.
Oh, one last thought. I would love a World Blog Surf Day theme of grass roots around the globe. How do people across the planet work to change the place for the better?
sher, you have already all the information..))
Hi Sher,
Really glad you're up and running with this. Of course you will have lots fo interest now form the success of the last one, count me in!
Warm Regards form Bulgaria
Sorry not too much communication, things have changed a bit here and blogging time has taken a tumble
Hi Karen,
Thanks for your comments...and I can add your suggestion to the poll...or save it for the next WBSD...which would you prefer? That would be a great topic, too!
It is frustrating that Google and their accoutrements are banned in certain countries! I was shocked that Turkey bans Google Sites! China I know bans many things from their Internet users. But Turkey?
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
Hi Hans,
OK...you're right...sorry...my brain is still foggy from not feeling well!
As of right now you've been added to WBSD...and you will receive a "canned" message tomorrow about being confirmed!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
Hi Martin,
Thanks for stopping by and supporting WBSD again!
That's OK...you don't need to apologize! I completely understand...I've had the same problem this summer--things have conspired to keep me otherwise occupied, too...and not allowing me to visit your blog and others like normal.
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
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