Three days left till World Blog Surf Day! How are you coming along with your posts???!!! I'm working on mine--and can't wait to post it, along with all of your posts!
For those of you who have not heard about World Blog Surf Day, this is an event where expat bloggers, from all over the world, come together on the same day, write on the same theme, and then link their blogs to form a chain of blog posts that will let you "travel" the world from the comfort of your own home! So, be sure to come back on Saturday to enjoy some great reading and learn about life in far away places!
Here some interesting stats for this WBSD. This is our third WBSD event, and we have 48 bloggers signed up, while last time we had 33. Expat bloggers are taking part from the following countries:
Switzerland-7 bloggers
UK-5 bloggers
USA-5 bloggers
Czech Republic-5 bloggers
Argentia-4 bloggers
Netherlands-4 bloggers
Canada-2 bloggers
Turkey-2 bloggers
Indonesia-1 blogger
Burlgaria-1 blogger
China-1 blogger
Australia-1 blogger
Belgium-1 blogger
Germany-1 blogger
One blogging network-8 bloggers from various countries
Our group of bloggers is very eclectic--just like last time! All this variety makes for a fun and interesting trip for readers surfing the world! The theme for this WBSD is Holidays & Celebrations--what is your favorite new holiday and how it is celebrated? Don't forget, this topic can also include events such as weddings, etc. And your posts can take any form that can be accommodated on a blog--this includes videos and pictures. Our event is family-friendly--so be sure to keep this in mind when preparing your post.
Here is our link list--please link to the person who comes after you on the list (Jackamo, please link back to Roz--creating a circle)--when you link to the next blog, please be sure to include the blogger's name along with the name of their blog:Moving to Australia on a 457 Visa by Roz Andrews
Bali Expat Blog by Bali Expat
On the Fringe by Global Gal
Internation Musing by Hans
The Skaian Gates by Yarzac
Bulgarian Slivatree by Martin
Sezinia by Sezin
Rickyyates by Chaplain
Workingnomad by Hospitalera
Empty Nest Expat by Karen
Czech Off the Beaten Path by Sher
The Spotted Sparrow by Sparrow
Swissstory Blog by Jessica
Peterhals in Zurich by DRosie
Swiss Family Mac by Mrs Mac
Who'd Say by Carla
Juanita Tortilla by Juanita
A Swissstory by Kylie by Kylie
World Wide Westfields by kookykrys
BBE's Video Snapshots by BBE
A Flamingo in Uthrecht by Oranjeflamingo
Fatbrideslim by Lily
Misadventures of Mub by Mub
Just a Plane Ride Away by JaPra
Emm in London by Emm
Rantings from Afar by annmucc
Eyeflare Travel Tips & Advice by eyeflare
Little London Observationist by Steph
Success Abroad by Zuzanna
Czechmate Diary by Tanja
A Malaysian Abroad by *lynne*
From Ohio with Love by Ivanhoe
Lateral Window by Lilian
Earth to Danie by Barkhouse
Affordable Calling Cards by Expat Calling
Winning Away-Expat Tips & Resources by Emmanuelle
Expatriate Life by Judy
Exile Lifestyle by Colin
The Future is Red by Red
Expanish by Expanish
Jackamo on the Move by JackamoNow, be sure to have your post go live at midnight Friday night (Oct. 30th) in your timezone, if at all possible. If that's not possible, then have your post go live as early as you can on Saturday morning so we have no breaks in our chain of blogs. This is very important. Also, please be sure to include our Twitter Reporter, Karen, in your blog post--with a link back to her blog "Empty Nest Expat." Here is the information to include about Karen: Karen is an American expat blogger last seen in Prague. The Wall Street Journal said, "Her blog makes a fun read for anyone looking for reassurance that change can be a wonderful thing--and also for anyone interested in visiting the Czech Republic." Including this information about Karen is our way of thanking her for being our Twitter Reporter on Saturday! She will read all of our posts and make Tweets on Twitter throughout the day about each of our blogs! How awesome is that!
So, that's it for now...good luck with your posts--and please write me, leave a comment, or Tweet if you have any questions or need more information about Saturday's World Blog Surf Day!
Can't wait!!! See you all on Saturday!!!!
Have a great day!
God bless,
Sher :0)
Czech Off the Beaten Path Website
Czech Off the Beaten Path T-shirts & More
World Blog Surf Day
Sher's Stuff
(c) 2009 by czechoffthebeatenpath
Hi Sher, I hope you are well, I know you're excited.
I have set up my post to be scheduled for publsication on 30.10.09 at 23:59. I am away for that weekend without internet until Monday evening where I will do the rounds.
I am sure it will be a success.
Warm Regards
Hi Martin,
Thanks so much for letting me know that your blog post is all set to go on Saturday!
And thanks--I'm doing OK--and am VERY excited about WBSD!!! :0)
Warm Regards,
Sher :0)
What a snazzy logo - did your daughter design that? I'm blown away by the total number of bloggers. Wow! What a success. I loved seeing the country by country breakdown too. Good job Sher!
All scheduled and ready to go. See you on Saturday :o)
Hi Karen,
Yes, Beka made the logo! :0)
Glad you enjoyed the breakdown...it was interesting going through and seeing exactly what the numbers were! The Swiss are really active this time around! :0)
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
Hi Ivanhoe,
Thanks for checking in and letting me know you're all ready to go!!! That's great news!!!!
Can't wait till Saturday!!!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
Typo in your link to Karen's blog, you missed an "a" and btw, the last time I checked her updates were privacy protected = not appearing in the official timeline, so how would she make the official twitter reporter? Doesn't make sense to me, SY
Hi Hospitalera,
Thanks for pointing out the typo! It's been fixed!
Also, Karen was planning on having her account "unlocked" for Saturday--so that's also taken care of!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
Any chance you have a link for Karen's twitter page? I would like to direct people to the twitter blurbs that day. Thanks.
The post is being put together and should be ready to go on schedule.
Thanks for organizing this by the way.
Hi DRosie,
Thanks for your question! Let me find out from Karen if that's OK or not...then I'll post the answer here later..or Karen might even answer it herself!
Thanks and have a great day!
Sher :0)
Hi Everyone! I know you're going to create awesome posts and I can't wait to tell the world all about them. My twitter name is: emptynestexpat Enjoy!
Hi Karen,
Thanks for sharing your Twitter name with us...then everyone will be able to follow your Tweets about WBSD on Saturday!!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
Ok, I am working on my entry right NOW! Thought I'd have time to start sooner but have been thinking about it. Can't wait to see them all tomorrow :-)
Hi Fatbrideslim,
Thanks for your comment! Excitement seems to be mounting from all corners for WBSD participants! I've had a number of comments, Tweets, and emails...all very much looking forward tomorrow's event!
Can't wait to read your post and everyone's!!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
My post is complete and will appear at 23:59. I hope that it is OK, this is my first time participating in this event.
Thanks for the update! Things are coming together...it's very exciting!
And thanks...it's been a pleasure putting this together again! I've had fun and have enjoyed meeting you and the other new participants! You guys are a great bunch!
Have a great day,
Sher :0)
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