Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top Five Posts for 2010

Hi Everyone,
The New Year's fast approaching--it's only a day away.  Can you believe it?  Where has the time gone?  Saturday morning we'll be in the new year of 2011!

Did you know Czech Off the Beaten Path is three years old?  We passed the 3rd anniversary of this blog back on October 31st.  In those past three years I've never done a "best of" post--ever.  Today will be the very first.

Here is a list, with links, to the top five posts for 2010:

1.  The Synchronicity and Connectivity of God

2.  Prachovske Skaly (Prachov Rocks) 

3.  Pizza and the Farmer's Market 

4.  Happy Birthday from Czech Off the Beaten Path 

5.  Happy and Successful Expats 

This is quite an eclectic list of posts--everything from God to happy expats.  Looking at the list has made me realize how my life has drastically changed in the past four years since moving to the Czech Republic.  My life has been immensely enriched with adventure, interesting and insightful people, my own views and feelings have broadened, I've laid eyes on places I only thought to read about in books, and more.  I've also encountered greater opportunities to learn more about myself and what I'm capable of.  

Getting older, I've found, has been a very positive experience for me, thus far.  Taking the leap of faith to marry and move overseas was a very hard decision to make.  I was most certainly the "reluctant expat," but now I am happy and no longer reluctant to be living overseas.  My life is the richest it's ever been in all my years of living.  I must say I'm very grateful to be having this experience of living overseas and stretching my wings to new and wonderful possibilities.

I'd like to thank all of you who have been faithful readers and kept Czech Off the Beaten Path alive!  

That's all for now.  I hope you all have a wonderful day!

God bless,

Czech Off the Beaten Path Website
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Sher's Stuff


lubos said...

Awesome, and congrats on 3 years of blogging. Your picture of Prague covered in snow is great. I spent the New Years Eve 2000 (the big one when the world was about to end) in Prague, and it was very much just like in your photo. I remember getting in a snowball fight on the day. Definitely won't be doing that here in Washington, D.C. This last blizzard totally skipped over D.C. and the snow we got about 2 weeks ago has now completely melted. said...

Hi Sher,

Happy New Year to you & congratulations on your blog being more than three years old - mine only reaches its second birthday at the end of next month.

I particularly enjoy reading your honest & often quite personal reflections on being part of a cross cultural marriage & all your adjustments to living as an expat in a new country. And it is lovely to read in this post as to how positive you now feel about it all.

Please keep writing & posting regularly in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Happy ne year dear Sher..))

Beka said...

Congrats on three years of blogging! It's great to hear that you're enjoying the adventure :) I'm proud of you!!

Sher said...

@Lubos: Thank you! You were brave to spend NY's Eve in Prague back in 2000 with all the Y2K controversy! :0) Prague is a very exciting, sometimes dangerous place on NY's Eve. We had some friends who were down on Wenceslas Square this year, and a friend they were with caught in the face! They were OK--only minor burns, thank goodness.

Anyway, have a wonderful and Happy New Year!
Sher :0)

Sher said... Thanks so much! Those posts are often the easiest to write as they come pouring out of me. But then they become the hardest to post as I worry about disclosing too much insight dealing with my inner struggles. Still, the process of disclosure is somehow healing--a bit like confession, I guess.

The past few months have been seen me busy with some other projects, including a stint back home as Nurse Ratchet. Writing here has been drastically affected, but I am making this blog a priority for the new year. I'm committing to posting on a more regular schedule once again. It will probably be more like once or twice a week as I've added some other writing commitments to my schedule. But this blog is really a best writing friend--and I should treat it as such.

I hope you and yours will have a wonderful and Happy New Year, too!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Sher said...

@Hans: Thank you! And I would like to wish you and O a wonderful and very Happy New Year, too!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Sher said...

@Beka: Thank you! You know you have become my muse--and a very good one, too. You and Dad keep me moving forward and stretching my comfort zone. These are great things--thank you for your help, inspiration and support for this blog and my life here with Tati!

Love you, Beka :0) :0*

Have a great day,
Sher/Awa/Mom :0) :0*

Filipino Web Designer said...

Happy new year to all and congratulations on your 3 year adventures in blogging.

wishing you all the best...

Sher said...

@Filipino Web Designer: Thank you and I would like to wish you all the best in this new year!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)